- Learning more about AI (Diffusion, LLMs)
- Looking for full time jobs (software engineering, machine learning engineering) starting summer 2025 as I
graduate on May 2025
Software Engineer | Polychain | Send and Receive Popular Cryptocurrencies Using a Link
- Developed, Tested, and Deployed a full stack web app that allows one to receive crypto (BTC, eth, sol,
etc.) and
showcase their NFTs using a shareable link. Implemented dApp authentication, embeds, dashboard, NFT galleries,
multi-chain payment gateway, etc.
- Marketed Polychain and gained 250+ users within the first two weeks.
Software Engineer | Streamling | Decentralized Streaming Platform with Creator
- Programmed a decentralized video streaming platform with native support for creator tokenization using the
Blockchain and Media Network (dCDN).
- Used Angular, Typescript, and MongoDB. Deployed Frontend, Backend, DeSo Node, and Media Server Instance on
AWS. Received about USD 6,000 in funding and admitted to IU’s Startup Accelerator.
Teaching Assistant and Directed Reading Program Mentee | IU Math Department
- As a DRP mentee, I independently studied and worked on problems from Topology, Measure Theory, Complex
Analysis, Category Theory, and Abstract Algebra with a graduate student mentor.
- Assisted 250+ students through weekly doubt-solving sessions at the Math Learning Center and via email.
- Helped with exam invigilation, grading, and other administrative and academic duties of M118.
Spero: major depressive disorder diagnosis using machine learning
- International artificial
intelligence fair : 1st place
- Investigated differential linguistic patterns exhibited by major depressive disorder (mdd) patients.
- Built an LSTM Network + CNN (95% accuracy) to develop Spero, an iOS app which enables early diagnosis of
- published in IJSRCSEIT (impact factor: 6.135) volume 6, issue 5.
- repo has more details. video pitch. demo.
Healera: an IoT faucet extension that modernizes outdated taps
- A faucet extension that connects through bluetooth low energy with a hybrid app to automatically detect
overflowing vessels and create an integrated smart water management system.
- top 6 in india's future tycoons (7000+ participants), top 10 in spellman clean tech competition, etc.
- code.
testprep international
- Expanded Instructor Team Internationally to 50+ and a student body to 200+ from 10+ countries.
- Co-created 14 IGCSE and 13 CBSE Subject Courses that have been enrolled over 200 times. Organized 60
Lectures & doubt solving sessions.
- Created and Gathered Resources for two Websites ( prepIGCSE & prepSAT)
with 60,000+ Visitors from 130+ Countries.